Van Hay Disclaimer

Van Hay, to also include the domain name of, has prepared, written and continues to maintain the content and platform for the Van Hay website, doing so with reasonable care and diligence. Van Hay makes all reasonable efforts to ensure for the provision of correct and accurate information displayed on its website.

However, Van Hay expressly does not give warranty or guarantee over the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or functionality of this website, or of any information it contains. Van Hay also makes no such warranty in respect of any information carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website, nor that the information on this or any third party website has in any way been verified or endorsed by Van Hay. Van Hay is not liable for any loss, damages or claims arising from either the use of this website or the trust in information contained herein, or as a result of information derived from or linked to this site, gained by accessing the websites of or links to websites of third parties.

Van Hay gives no guarantee of the continued existence or availability of any position or job advertised on this site and does not warrant that clients will respond to a candidate’s details or indeed invite a candidate for an interview. By using this website you assume the risk that the information on this website may be incomplete, inaccurate, out of date or simply may not meet your requirements. The content of this website may be changed without notice.

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